From the scrolls of Otaban the Wise, Grand Chancellor of the Order of the Crown, Gorathia
Year 1856 of the New Gorathian Calendar
Of the Wyld Elves of Eastorus Forest
In Gorathia, we call the forest Eastorus, which derives from “that forest east of us” yet the inhabitants of the forest, the Wyld Elves, call the forest Ae’renbrindir or the “Place of the Maiden’s tear”.

The history of the Wyld elves was hard to come by as much has been lost to time as the Wyld elves are not ones to keep written records of events. History and lore is passed down from one generation to another and one would think that much that was once fact has been embellished for the art of telling the story. From what I learned during my two years in their company I have described below. At first, I was a captive of the Snake tribe who waylaid my party and I as we had wandered too deep into their territory. While with them, I learned what I could from the other slaves of the tribe, many who were from different Wyld elf tribes. I was able to learn that there are seven to twelve different Wyld elven tribes, depending on who you ask, and only the Snake tribe practiced slavery. What I did learn is that each of the tribes is ruled by the tribal elders and the tribe’s high druid. Each of these tribes bases themselves around an animal or totem. Several months into my capture, I was rescued by the Grey Wolf tribe who raided the Snake tribe’s encampment. I was able to reside with the Grey Wolf tribe for many months learning of them and their ways.
Wyld elves, or Green elves, are a feral, stealthy subrace of elves that over the years have become more and more reclusive. They are an extremely insular race whom remain close to nature and are rarely seen by other races.
Wyld elves have darker skin than other elves, with skin tones ranging from light brown to dark brown. Males tend to be larger than females, sometimes up to 5 inches and over 20 pounds. The average Wyld elf tends to be shorter than other elven subraces standing less than 6 feet in height. Their hair and eyes can range from light to dark brown and in some cases black. Wyld elves are nimble and agile in body and are thought to be less wise as their elven cousins due in part to their aversion to civilization; but this is not what I experienced. While lacking in modern civilization their mastery of nature and their surroundings was impressive.
Typically their clothing is minimal, made from the skins of animals and they adorn themselves with tattoos, feathers and body paint.

The exact year of when the below story began can only be a guess. The only clue is that this history came after the original group of Silver elves had departed Skeld and had lived in the Lif forest for many years.
Even within the relative safety of the Lif forest, some of the survivors of the splintering of Skeld, wished to seek out their own destiny and follow their hearts to live free and to be unencumbered by rules and established traditions. Therefore, a small group, primarily led by three families decided to continue their journey towards the rumors of a large untamed forest far to the east of Lif. For many days they journeyed from Lif until they came, at last, to the edge of the great old forest. The forest was ancient, dark and foreboding to the elves. The trees were immense, some towering as high as the height of the Moon tower, with bases as large as houses. Large brambles and thorny vines covered the forest floor, making passage within difficult. For many days the group huddled amongst the roots of the trees on the edge of the forest, each day exploring deeper and deeper into the ancient forest until eventually they found a glade and a clear stream in which to make their new home. This forest home was called Oloth En’wrathe, which means “Place of the great trees”.
For many years the elves lived in harmony living off the land and in the barest of hovels made from downed branches, dirt, stone and mud. To cut a living tree was something that seems abhorrent to them, wishing to live as close to nature as possible. Happy to live free and with nature, as each year passed the simpler they became. Soon most would not sleep within an enclosure but on nature’s forest floor or amongst her branches of the great trees. Items of steel and iron, brought with them from Lif, were eventually replaced by tools crafted from wood and stone or put aside.
During these first few years, groups of elves wandered long and far exploring their almost never ending forest home. It was during this initial exploration that one of the three families decided to move on and did so never to be seen again for many years. This was the first of two major splintering of the Wyld elves. The legends speak that this first family that split off was somehow tainted and became the Snake tribe.
It was during this time of wandering where the Wyld elves had their second sundering. The daughter of one of the two remaining families was regarded as the loveliest of all of the Wyld elves as she had a spirit and beauty about her that could stop others in their tracks. The chief of the tribe at this time had two sons, Feradral and Eloric and both had fallen under the spell of the elven maiden. The eldest was arrogant and cruel; but in line to take over the tribe once his father passed. The youngest son was fair and kind and a true leader amongst his people. In an effort to bring the two families closer together, the oldest son was betrothed to the elven maiden, Nariel. But Nariel could see the cruelty in Feradral and just before they were to be married, she fled into the forest with the younger brother Eloric.
Feradral was furious over this betrayal of his bride to be and his younger brother and he gathered his warriors and sought after them. During their flight, Eloric and Nariel were ensnared by the Snake tribe and were taken to the Snake tribe’s cliff top hideout. Just as both Eloric and Nariel were to be sacrificed to the Snake people’s gods; Feradral and his warriors discovered the hideout. A fierce battle ensued and during the battle a stray arrow flew straight at the maiden Nariel. Eloric seeing this, jumped in front of the arrow catching it in his chest, mortally wounding him. Seeing her lover fall, Nariel not wishing to be married to Feradral, jumped from the top of the waterfall and her body was never discovered.
Afterwards, it was never known if the arrow that slew Eloric came from the bow of a snake warrior; and many say that it came from the very bow of his brother Feradral. Other legends say that the maiden Nariel turned into a large white bird that was seen at the foot of the falls after the battle. It is also rumored amongst the Wyld elves that her spirit still walks the forest to this day, protecting elves and beasts alike against all who would do harm to the forest.
With the deaths of both Eloric and Nariel, the main tribe split into several smaller groups each going their own way forming the different tribes that inhabit Ae’renbrindir to this day.