With the fall of the Moon tower and as elf battled elf, many sought out safety by leaving their native home of Skeld. There were three major migrations of elves to the North of Skeld, the first of such migrations was the largest, followed by two smaller groups. Each of these migrations were led by a great elven captain of Skeld.
The first group to leave Skeld and travel north were led by the elven prince Aerandur. A cousin of the Elven Queen Nathira, this group traveled north across the mountains and into the wilds beyond just a few months after the fall of the moon tower. For many moons they travelled to the north and west across a large open expanse until they found respite in the mountains that bordered on a large lake. There they rested and gathered strength and sent forth scouts into the wilderness to learn more of their environs. This group was known to be called the Arwennar, or “the first to leave” and to others as the Grey Elves.
Soon after the departure of the Arwennar, a second smaller group headed to the north in the same path as that of Prince Aerandur. Led by the elven champion, Corendil the Green, the Master Huntsman of Skeld, this group traveled north to the great river that flows out of Lake Vostok from the east, there they turned west and travelled down to the coast and then northwest through a natural gap in the mountains into the untamed grasslands beyond. There they move west before settling in a great forest at the foot of some massive mountains. This group of elves were called the Saelinthar, the Silver Elves as they most closely followed the ways of Skeld.
The final northern group was the smallest; but in no means lacking in whom it contained. A great part of the queens guard who had been in the heaviest fighting against the evil foe moved north for many months eventually finding refuge in a large forest on the sea of Ice and Fire. There they made their home and are known as the Nathara, those of the Queen.
Read more about the Arwennar.
Read more about the Saelinthar.
Read more about the Nathara.